Identity Creed: Who Am I? (What we believe about every human).

I am a human being made in the image of God. I am made by God and for God. I belong to Him. My purpose is to know Him, to love Him and to join Him in what He is doing on the earth.   

Because I am made in God’s image, I have significant value and worth. This has been declared over me by the one with all authority. My value is fixed. It does not change with more or less money, it does not change with more or less followers, it does not change with more or less influence, it does not change with more or less status, it does not change with more or less talents. It does not change with more or less of anything. It simply does not change. It is fixed forever. 

My identity is not determined by my ability, or my disability. It is not determined by what I can do or what I cannot do. It is not determined by what I think of myself or what others think of me. It is not determined by what others say or don’t say. It is not earned by something I do, but is inherent to who I am as His image bearer. It is a gift from God. It is based solely on what God has said and what God can do. 

Because I am a human being made in God’s image, I am distinct from all other types of creation. I am unique. I have been made with intentionality and care. I am not an accident. Nothing about me is an accident.  I have been put together on purpose. I was born in a particular place on purpose. My ethnicity, skin color, language, and culture are distinct, beautiful, and necessary to the full display of God’s glory.  

I am beautiful, wonderful, and valuable. 

This truth is fixed and unchangeable.

At the same time, it is a beauty covered in brokenness.  My sin has separated me from my creator. I was made for Him, I was made to know Him, but I have ignored and rejected Him.  Sin has broken what was beautiful and stripped me of enjoying the truths that were spoken over me. Now instead of being secure in my identity, place, and purpose, I am constantly seeking for them. Instead of receiving my value as a gift I am now trying to earn it. 

I look inside myself to find out who I am but I see lots of things I don’t like. Even when I express myself with confidence it is a mask for my insecurity.  I know something is wrong. I look to the world to tell me who I am but they change their mind a lot. When I place my value in their hands, I live by their approval and die by their rejection. I’m stuck. I know there has to be something more. I was made for more. 

There is. The God who made me, sees me and loves me. He sees the beauty even in the brokenness. He sent His Son Jesus to save me. The life, death and resurrection of Jesus are the solution to restore what was broken. I can be forgiven. I can be renewed to the original intent of my creator. I can go back to what I was made for. I don’t have to keep looking for something that God has already given me. 

By faith in Christ I move from the dignified position as His creation to the desirable position as His child.  I move from being beautifully made but destined for destruction to being beautifully made and destined for heaven. I have a hope and a future. My identity is secure, my value is fixed, my purpose is meaningful.  

Jesus loves me even in my weakness. He is a friend of sinners. I do not have to be afraid. I don’t have to be enough because He is enough. I can rest in who I am because I know who He is.

I am His and He is mine. Who I am is wrapped up in who He is. I have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me. The life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. 

Through faith in Jesus, the Spirit of the living God now dwells in me. I walk in this God confidence.  God is working in me and through me. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead now lives in me.  Nothing is impossible with God. His power is even made perfect in my weakness.  In His power and authority I join Him for the greatest cause on earth, the salvation of souls. I have a purpose. My life has meaning.  As the Father sent Jesus so now Jesus sends me. 

My identity is in Him, my place is with Him, and my purpose comes from Him.  For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To God be the glory! Amen.